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Dept Michigan

"It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced." -- Abraham Lincoln

According to Department Order No. 7, 2024-25, a NEW Camp Area Map has been issued. Please refer here.

2024 Department of Michigan Bylaws

New Committee Assignments from Department Order No 5, Series 2024-25

Michigan Messenger

Catch up with the latest issue of Michigan's Messenger. Latest News from the Department

Follow this link to the National Policy on Social Media on the Headquarters Page

We have added a new link to Memorial University in the MENU. This is where you can learn the history about the SUVCW and how the Organization operates.

The Proceedings for the 140th Annual Department of Michigan Encampment are now available.

Welcome to the Department of Michigan!

The Department of Michigan was chartered on June 24, 1884. There are 20 Camps and over 350 members throughout both of Michigan's peninsulas representing the interests of the Grand Army of the Republic and honoring the memory of those who "wore the blue" in defense of our nation.

The Department of Michigan's web site offers information for our members as well as for the public. Select a link to the left for:

Headquarters - Contact Information, Current officers, General Orders, Past & Present Department Commanders, and other information.

Michigan's Messenger - Our Newsletter - Wonder what we do? Read our National award-winning Department Newsletter, Michigan's Messenger.

Camps & Membership – Have a Civil War ancestor? Interested in the Civil War? Find a Camp located in your area.

Events Calendars - List your special events here! Also the Department's Administrative Calendar for important dates for Brothers and Camp and Department Officers.

Co. A, 14th Michigan Volunteer Infantry, (Irish Rifle), Sons of Veterans Reserve; the Ceremonial Arm of the

Central Region Association, Allied Orders of the Grand Army of the Republicnew

Special Projects

Graves Registration - Know of and want to share a Civil War Ancestor's grave? Does your Civil War ancestor need a (or new) headstone? See our Graves Registration project!

Monuments & Memorials - Help us locate and catalog the Monuments & Memorials in Michigan dedicated to Civil War war soldiers.

GAR Records Project - Do you have or know where any GAR Records are? Help us locate and preserve these one of a kind records!

Ceremonies & Rituals - Interested in learning more about a holiday, a ceremony, or ritual - look here!


The Bugle Call - A page dedicated to the memory of our departed brothers.

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  Page Last Updated on March 05 2025.
Email Website Questions to

Individuals attending events hosted by the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, by virtue of their attendance, agree to the usage of their likeness in the Banner, any Camp or Department Newsletter, any SUVCW website and/or on any SUVCW Social Media outlet, promotional brochures, or any other SUVCW material.

Having 501(c) (3) Tax Exempt Status. Donations to the Department of Michigan - Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, its Camps, or Sons of Veterans Reserve Units operating within the Department of Michigan, (Are Tax Deductible).

This Web Site is protected by copyright. It is intended to provide information regarding the Department of Michigan, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, the Grand Army of the Republic, and the Civil War. Copies of pages and information may be made for personal use but commercial use of these pages shall not be allowed without the expressed, written consent of the Department of Michigan, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information on this site are prohibited and may be punishable under the The Michigan Computer Law MCLA 752.791, PA 1979, No. 53, Eff. March 27,1980.